dogeystamp b0a662460a
feat: better move ordering
use transposition table as the primary heuristic
2024-12-20 16:25:03 -05:00

438 lines
14 KiB

This file is part of chess_inator.
chess_inator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
chess_inator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with chess_inator. If not, see
Copyright © 2024 dogeystamp <>
//! Game-tree search.
use crate::hash::ZobristTable;
use crate::prelude::*;
use std::cmp::{max, min};
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
// min can't be represented as positive
const EVAL_WORST: EvalInt = -(EvalInt::MAX);
const EVAL_BEST: EvalInt = EvalInt::MAX;
mod test_eval_int {
use super::*;
fn test_eval_worst_best_symm() {
// int limits will bite you if you don't test this
assert_eq!(EVAL_WORST, -EVAL_BEST);
assert_eq!(-EVAL_WORST, EVAL_BEST);
/// Eval in the context of search.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum SearchEval {
/// Mate in |n| - 1 half moves, negative for own mate.
/// Centipawn score (exact).
/// Centipawn score (lower bound).
/// Centipawn score (upper bound).
/// Search was hard-stopped.
impl SearchEval {
/// Flip side, and increment the "mate in n" counter.
fn increment(self) -> Self {
match self {
SearchEval::Checkmate(n) => {
debug_assert_ne!(n, 0);
if n < 0 {
Self::Checkmate(-(n - 1))
} else {
Self::Checkmate(-(n + 1))
SearchEval::Exact(eval) => Self::Exact(-eval),
SearchEval::Lower(eval) => Self::Upper(-eval),
SearchEval::Upper(eval) => Self::Lower(-eval),
SearchEval::Stopped => SearchEval::Stopped,
impl From<SearchEval> for EvalInt {
fn from(value: SearchEval) -> Self {
match value {
SearchEval::Checkmate(n) => {
debug_assert_ne!(n, 0);
if n < 0 {
EVAL_WORST - EvalInt::from(n)
} else {
EVAL_BEST - EvalInt::from(n)
SearchEval::Exact(eval) => eval,
SearchEval::Lower(eval) => eval,
SearchEval::Upper(eval) => eval,
SearchEval::Stopped => panic!("Attempted to evaluate a halted search"),
impl Ord for SearchEval {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
let e1 = EvalInt::from(*self);
let e2 = EvalInt::from(*other);
impl PartialOrd for SearchEval {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
/// Configuration for the gametree search.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct SearchConfig {
/// Enable alpha-beta pruning.
pub alpha_beta_on: bool,
/// Limit regular search depth
pub depth: usize,
/// Enable transposition table.
pub enable_trans_table: bool,
/// Transposition table size (2^n where this is n)
pub transposition_size: usize,
impl Default for SearchConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
SearchConfig {
alpha_beta_on: true,
// try to make this even to be more conservative and avoid horizon problem
depth: 10,
enable_trans_table: true,
transposition_size: 24,
/// Least valuable victim, most valuable attacker heuristic for captures.
fn lvv_mva_eval(src_pc: Piece, cap_pc: Piece) -> EvalInt {
let pc_values = [500, 300, 300, 20000, 900, 100];
pc_values[cap_pc as usize] - pc_values[src_pc as usize]
/// Assign a priority to a move based on how promising it is.
fn move_priority(board: &mut Board, mv: &Move, state: &mut EngineState) -> EvalInt {
// move eval
let mut eval: EvalInt = 0;
let src_pc = board.get_piece(mv.src).unwrap();
let anti_mv = mv.make(board);
if state.config.enable_trans_table {
if let Some(entry) = &state.cache[board.zobrist] {
eval = entry.eval.into();
} else if let Some(cap_pc) = anti_mv.cap {
// least valuable victim, most valuable attacker
eval += lvv_mva_eval(src_pc.into(), cap_pc)
/// Search the game tree to find the absolute (positive good) move and corresponding eval for the
/// current player.
/// # Arguments
/// * board: board position to analyze.
/// * depth: how deep to analyze the game tree.
/// * alpha: best score (absolute, from current player perspective) guaranteed for current player.
/// * beta: best score (absolute, from current player perspective) guaranteed for other player.
/// # Returns
/// The best line (in reverse move order), and its corresponding absolute eval for the current player.
fn minmax(
board: &mut Board,
state: &mut EngineState,
depth: usize,
alpha: Option<EvalInt>,
beta: Option<EvalInt>,
) -> (Vec<Move>, SearchEval) {
// these operations are relatively expensive, so only run them occasionally
if state.node_count % (1 << 16) == 0 {
// respect the hard stop if given
match state.rx_engine.try_recv() {
Ok(msg) => match msg {
MsgToEngine::Go(_) => panic!("received go while thinking"),
MsgToEngine::Stop => {
return (Vec::new(), SearchEval::Stopped);
MsgToEngine::NewGame => panic!("received newgame while thinking"),
Err(e) => match e {
mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty => {}
mpsc::TryRecvError::Disconnected => panic!("thread Main stopped"),
if let Some(hard) = state.time_lims.hard {
if Instant::now() > hard {
return (Vec::new(), SearchEval::Stopped);
// default to worst, then gradually improve
let mut alpha = alpha.unwrap_or(EVAL_WORST);
// our best is their worst
let beta = beta.unwrap_or(EVAL_BEST);
if depth == 0 {
let eval = board.eval() * EvalInt::from(board.turn.sign());
return (Vec::new(), SearchEval::Exact(eval));
let mut mvs: Vec<_> = board
.map(|mv| (move_priority(board, &mv, state), mv))
// get transposition table entry
if state.config.enable_trans_table {
if let Some(entry) = &state.cache[board.zobrist] {
if entry.depth >= depth {
if let SearchEval::Exact(_) | SearchEval::Upper(_) = entry.eval {
// no point looking for a better move
return (vec![entry.best_move], entry.eval);
mvs.push((EVAL_BEST, entry.best_move));
// sort moves by decreasing priority
mvs.sort_unstable_by_key(|mv| -mv.0);
let mut abs_best = SearchEval::Exact(EVAL_WORST);
let mut best_move: Option<Move> = None;
let mut best_continuation: Vec<Move> = Vec::new();
if mvs.is_empty() {
if board.is_check(board.turn) {
return (Vec::new(), SearchEval::Checkmate(-1));
} else {
// stalemate
return (Vec::new(), SearchEval::Exact(0));
for (_priority, mv) in mvs {
let anti_mv = mv.make(board);
let (continuation, score) = minmax(board, state, depth - 1, Some(-beta), Some(-alpha));
// propagate hard stops
if matches!(score, SearchEval::Stopped) {
return (Vec::new(), SearchEval::Stopped);
let abs_score = score.increment();
if abs_score > abs_best {
abs_best = abs_score;
best_move = Some(mv);
best_continuation = continuation;
alpha = max(alpha, abs_best.into());
if alpha >= beta && state.config.alpha_beta_on {
// alpha-beta prune.
// Beta represents the best eval that the other player can get in sibling branches
// (different moves in the parent node). Alpha > beta means the eval here is _worse_
// for the other player, so they will never make the move that leads into this branch.
// Therefore, we stop evaluating this branch at all.
if let SearchEval::Upper(eval) | SearchEval::Exact(eval) = abs_best {
abs_best = SearchEval::Lower(eval);
if let Some(best_move) = best_move {
if state.config.enable_trans_table {
state.cache[board.zobrist] = Some(TranspositionEntry {
eval: abs_best,
state.node_count += 1;
(best_continuation, abs_best)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct TranspositionEntry {
/// best move found last time
best_move: Move,
/// last time's eval
eval: SearchEval,
/// depth of this entry
depth: usize,
pub type TranspositionTable = ZobristTable<TranspositionEntry>;
/// Iteratively deepen search until it is stopped.
fn iter_deep(board: &mut Board, state: &mut EngineState) -> (Vec<Move>, SearchEval) {
// always preserve two lines (1 is most recent)
let (mut line1, mut eval1) = minmax(board, state, 1, None, None);
let (mut line2, mut eval2) = (line1.clone(), eval1);
for depth in 2..=state.config.depth {
let (line, eval) = minmax(board, state, depth, None, None);
let mut have_to_ret = false;
// depth of the line we're about to return.
// our knock-off "quiescence" is skeptical of odd depths, so we need to know this.
let mut ret_depth = depth;
if matches!(eval, SearchEval::Stopped) {
ret_depth -= 1;
have_to_ret = true;
} else {
(line2, eval2) = (line1, eval1);
(line1, eval1) = (line, eval);
if let Some(soft_lim) = state.time_lims.soft {
if Instant::now() > soft_lim {
have_to_ret = true;
if have_to_ret {
if ret_depth & 1 == 1 && (EvalInt::from(eval1) - EvalInt::from(eval2) > 300) {
// be skeptical if we move last and we suddenly earn a lot of
// centipawns. this may be a sign of horizon problem
return (line2, eval2);
} else {
return (line1, eval1);
(line1, eval1)
/// Deadlines for the engine to think of a move.
pub struct TimeLimits {
/// The engine must respect this time limit. It will abort if this deadline is passed.
pub hard: Option<Instant>,
pub soft: Option<Instant>,
impl TimeLimits {
/// Make time limits based on wtime, btime (but color-independent).
/// Also takes in eval metrics, for instance to avoid wasting too much time in the opening.
pub fn from_ourtime_theirtime(
ourtime_ms: u64,
_theirtime_ms: u64,
eval: EvalMetrics,
) -> TimeLimits {
// hard timeout (max)
let mut hard_ms = 100_000;
// soft timeout (max)
let mut soft_ms = 1_200;
// if we have more than 5 minutes, and we're out of the opening, we can afford to think longer
if ourtime_ms > 300_000 && eval.phase <= 13 {
soft_ms = 4_500
let factor = if ourtime_ms > 5_000 { 10 } else { 40 };
hard_ms = min(ourtime_ms / factor, hard_ms);
soft_ms = min(ourtime_ms / 50, soft_ms);
let hard_limit = Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(hard_ms);
let soft_limit = Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(soft_ms);
TimeLimits {
hard: Some(hard_limit),
soft: Some(soft_limit),
/// Helper type to avoid retyping the same arguments into every function prototype.
/// This should be owned outside the actual thinking part so that the engine can remember state
/// between moves.
pub struct EngineState {
pub config: SearchConfig,
/// Main -> Engine channel receiver
pub rx_engine: mpsc::Receiver<MsgToEngine>,
pub cache: TranspositionTable,
/// Nodes traversed (i.e. number of times minmax called)
pub node_count: usize,
pub time_lims: TimeLimits,
impl EngineState {
pub fn new(
config: SearchConfig,
interface: mpsc::Receiver<MsgToEngine>,
cache: TranspositionTable,
time_lims: TimeLimits,
) -> Self {
Self {
rx_engine: interface,
node_count: 0,
/// Wipe state between different games.
/// Configuration is preserved.
pub fn wipe_state(&mut self) {
self.cache = TranspositionTable::new(self.config.transposition_size);
self.node_count = 0;
/// Find the best line (in reverse order) and its evaluation.
pub fn best_line(board: &mut Board, engine_state: &mut EngineState) -> (Vec<Move>, SearchEval) {
let (line, eval) = iter_deep(board, engine_state);
(line, eval)
/// Find the best move.
pub fn best_move(board: &mut Board, engine_state: &mut EngineState) -> Option<Move> {
let (line, _eval) = best_line(board, engine_state);