# # essentials # ttf-jetbrains-mono wqy-microhei ttf-roboto inter-font noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji gsfonts git xwallpaper dunst zathura zathura-pdf-poppler libnotify libsecret xorg-setxkbmap xorg-xrandr xorg-xset xorg-xsetroot doas alacritty # in the aur xkblayout-state xss-lock qutebrowser neovim neovim-lspconfig vim-surround tree-sitter-grammars tmux fish ffmpeg mpv mpv-mpris scrot xsel xclip nsxiv pulsemixer # battery status acpi pipewire-pulse # # utility # cups sane ghostscript imagemagick perl-image-exiftool glances wavemon usbutils translate-shell net-tools libappimage nftables sdcv ufw trash-cli rofi rink progress speedtest-cli obs-studio dosfstools which dnsutils man-pages zoxide tinyxxd # IME input fcitx5 fcitx5-chinese-addons fcitx5-configtool # in the aur tmsu # for qutebrowser copy code block python-pyperclip termdown rsync unzip wget playerctl qpwgraph jq fzf yt-dlp ripgrep netcat nmap remmina freerdp nss-mdns python-pynvim xorg-xinput xorg-xbacklight neofetch cloc aerc # use w3m for aerc and disallow network dante python-pip httpie # for mpvq script socat # for appimage opening fuse2 w3m # # extras # gomuks beets # for beets python-pylast picom keepassxc gimp blender audacity syncthing inkscape typescript typescript-language-server pyright ruff bash-language-server vscode-css-languageserver rust-analyzer gdb lldb python-debugpy arc-gtk-theme lxappearance-gtk3 radare2 typst typst-lsp neovide # .local/bin/pyinstantref script python-pydbus xorg-xprop xdotool xsel python-pymupdf # inkscape shortcut manager python-xlib pdf2svg chromium go npm rustup ansible # for personal website compilation lowdown # for lobster.sh html-xml-utils # for general compiling from source clang cmake ninja meson fakeroot autoconf automake bison flex gcc libtool m4 make patch pkgconf texinfo # # for new systems # networkmanager os-prober efibootmgr grub xorg-server xorg-xinit man # for compiling suckless utilities freetype2 libxft libxinerama # # personal # sof-firmware xonotic python-pipx xf86-input-wacom # for raspberry pi pico dev arm-none-eabi-binutils arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-newlib picocom # for raspberry pi pico rust dev elf2uf2-rs