# dots My dotfiles. ## Installation Install [chezmoi](https://chezmoi.io): ``` # pacman -S chezmoi ``` Clone then apply these dotfiles: ``` chezmoi init dogeystamp/dotfiles --apply ``` After, install some packages. A list is provided in the `programs` file. This list encompasses all packages needed for a full system, including utilities and games. Feel free to pick and choose which packages you want. A script is also provided with `programs-python` to install Python packages via pipx. Package availability and their names **differ based on the distribution**: these are for Arch Linux and its derivatives. For a full desktop experience, you should also build the programs in `suckless/` by running `./compile-suckless.sh` as root. Alternatively, build the programs with the README instructions in the directory. Some features are enabled or disabled based on a "system profile": chezmoi will prompt you for a choice. ### Notes - `.local/bin/keyboard.sh` provides changes I like, such as swapping escape and caps lock, which you should remove if you don't need. - My qutebrowser configuration emphasizes privacy over usability, and you might need to edit it to suit your needs if you want to use it. - Neovim plugins are installed [via git submodule](https://hiphish.github.io/blog/2021/12/05/managing-vim-plugins-without-plugin-manager/) rather than through conventional means. This has less complexity than a plugin manager since I already manage all my dotfiles under Git. Plugins are declared in `.gitmodules`. **Desktop Preview** ![preview](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DogeyStamp/dots/main/preview.png)