class InterfaceElement { constructor({id, tag}) { = id; if (tag !== undefined) { this.handle = tag; } } #hidden = false; get hidden() { return this.#hidden; } set hidden(x) { this.#hidden = x; this.handle.hidden = this.hidden; if (this.label !== undefined) { this.label.hidden = this.hidden; } if (this.hidden === true) this.clearAlerts(); } } class Form extends InterfaceElement { constructor({id, tag}) { super(id, tag); if (tag === undefined) { this.handle = document.createElement("div"); } this.elements = new Map(); this.clearAlerts = this.clearAlerts.bind(this); } #advanced = false; get advanced() { return this.#advanced; } set advanced(x) { this.#advanced = x; for (const [id, element] of this.elements.entries()) { if (element.advanced === true) { if (this.advanced === true) { element.hidden = false; } else { element.hidden = true; } } } } clearAlerts() { for (const [id, element] of this.elements.entries()) { element.clearAlerts(); } } } function b64ToBuf (b64) { let ascii = atob(b64); let buf = new ArrayBuffer(ascii.length); let bytes = new Uint8Array(buf); for (var i = 0; i < ascii.length; i++) { bytes[i] = ascii.charCodeAt(i); } return buf; } function bufToB64 (buf) { let bytes = new Uint8Array(buf); let ascii = '' for (var i = 0; i < bytes.byteLength; i++) { ascii += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); } return btoa(ascii); } class FormElement extends InterfaceElement { #enabled = true; get enabled() { return this.#enabled; } set enabled(x) { this.#enabled = x; this.handle.disabled = !this.#enabled; } constructor({id, type, form, tag, label="", dataType="plaintext", advanced=false, enabled=true}) { super(id); = id; this.advanced = advanced; this.type = type; this.clearAlerts = this.clearAlerts.bind(this); switch (type) { case "textbox": this.handle = document.createElement("input"); break; case "password": this.handle = document.createElement("input"); this.handle.setAttribute("type", "password"); break; case "textarea": this.handle = document.createElement("textarea"); break; case "button": this.handle = document.createElement("button"); this.handle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(label)); label = ""; dataType = "none" break; case "output": this.handle = document.createElement("textarea"); this.handle.setAttribute("readonly", true); break; default: throw `Unknown input type: ${type}`; } if (label !== "") { this.label = document.createElement("label"); this.label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(label)); } this.dataType = dataType; this.enabled = enabled; =; if (this.advanced === true) this.hidden = true; if (form !== undefined) { this.form = form; if (this.label !== undefined) { this.label.setAttribute("for",; form.handle.appendChild(this.label); } form.handle.appendChild(this.handle); form.elements.set(id, this); if (this.advanced === true) this.hidden = !form.advanced; } } // plaintext is string data // b64 is raw ArrayBuffer data // or none, which gives undefined #dataType = "none"; get dataType() { return this.#dataType; } set dataType(x) { function err(type, x) { throw `'${type}' element can not support '${x}' data type`; } switch (x) { case "plaintext": case "b64": let valid = ["textbox", "password", "textarea", "output"]; if (!valid.includes(this.type)) err(this.type, x); break; case "none": if (this.type !== "button") err(this.type, x); break; default: throw `Unknown data type: ${x}`; } this.#dataType = x; } get value() { this.clearAlerts(); switch (this.dataType) { case "plaintext": return this.handle.value; case "b64": try { return b64ToBuf(this.handle.value); } catch (e) { this.alertBox("alert-error", "Invalid base64 value."); return; } case "none": return undefined; } } set value(x) { switch (this.dataType) { case "plaintext": this.handle.value = x; case "b64": this.handle.value = bufToB64(x); } } alerts = []; alertBox(type, message, title) { // type is alert-error or alert-info if (this.handle === undefined) { throw `can not add alert for '${}': still undefined`; } if (this.hidden === true) { throw `can not add alert for '${}': hidden`; } if (title === undefined) { switch (type) { case "alert-info": title = "Info: "; break; case "alert-error": title = "Error: "; break; default: title = ""; break; } } let box = document.createElement("div"); box.classList.add(type); box.classList.add("alert"); box.appendChild(document.createTextNode(message)); if (title !== "") { let titleTag = document.createElement("strong"); titleTag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(title)); box.prepend(titleTag); } this.handle.after(box); this.alerts.push(box); } clearAlerts() { for (const box of this.alerts) { box.remove(); } this.alerts = []; } }