# List of domains to get an SSL cert for # There will be a *single* certificate covering all of these # Ensure that your CA supports multi-domain certs ssl_domains: - "site.dogeystamp.com" - "d.nerdpol.ovh" - "{{ wiki_domain }}" # File name for the certificate cert_name: "{{ ssl_domains[0] }}" # File name for the private key key_name: "{{ cert_name }}" # Account name for the account key account_name: "account" # Email to send renewal notices to acme_email: "{{ email }}" # ACME directory to use # (Staging directoy by default.) acme_dir: "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory" # SSL ACME External Account Binding settings (optional: required for some CAs) acme_eab: { alg: HS256, key: "", kid: "", }