[x] opcode enum [x] register getter/setter [x] condition flags enum [x] function to update the condition flags based on a register [x] memory getter/setter [x] read file as big-endian 2-byte instructions into memory [x] fetch-execute loop [x] implement execute [x] function: get opcode from instruction [x] match opcode to function [x] implement opcodes [x] LEA [x] ADD (reg) [x] ADD (immediate) [x] AND (reg) [x] AND (immediate) [x] BR [x] JMP [x] JSR [x] JSRR [x] LD [x] LDI [x] LDR [x] LEA [x] NOT [x] RET [!] RTI [x] ST [x] STI [x] STR [x] TRAP (see jmeiners article) [x] getc [x] out [x] puts [x] in [x] putsp [x] halt [x] keyboard mem-mapped i/o [x] KBSR [x] KBDR