# pyinstantref This is a Python rewrite of Gilles Castel's [Instant Reference](https://github.com/gillescastel/instant-reference) tool. (I was not a fan of needing NPM rather than the system package manager to install some dependencies.) pyinstantref allows you to copy a link to a specific page or header in a PDF with a single keybind in Zathura. You can then paste this reference in your notes and other documents. For now, it only works with my own [templates](https://github.com/dogeystamp/typst-templates) for [Typst](https://github.com/typst/typst), but it should be easy to get the script to format in LaTeX instead using Castel's original code as reference, or even in plain-text. ## installation These instructions are for Arch Linux based distributions. Package names will probably differ for other distros, especially with Python packages. First, install the necessary packages: sudo pacman -S xsel xdotool xorg-xprop python-pydbus rofi (Rofi is needed for section references.) Then, clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/dogeystamp/pyinstantref cd pyinstantref Install the .desktop file: mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications cp pdfref.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/ xdg-mime default pdfref.desktop x-scheme-handler/pdfref sudo update-desktop-database Ensure this directory is in $PATH by adding this line to the bottom of `~/.profile` (change the location to point to this directory): export PATH="$HOME/pyinstantref:$PATH" You might need to sign out then sign in to apply this change. ### shortcut You can either set up a shortcut in your window manager/desktop environment, or add the following to your `.config/zathura/zathurarc`: ``` map exec copy_ref ``` This will make Ctrl-L copy a reference to the current page in Zathura. ## limitations Currently, the following features are missing compared to Castel's version: - ArXiv support - LaTeX output - Support for other PDF readers (e.g. Evince) Feel free to send pull requests, although this project is primarily for my own usage and I can not make any guarantees. Also: - Section references are unreliable because titles might change, and there might be sections with the same title. Proper IDs for bookmarks are possible, but not until Typst resolves [issue #1352](https://github.com/typst/typst/issues/1352).