from pathlib import Path from datatypes import * from typing import cast, Any from util import rofi import pydbus import subprocess import fitz def get_section_pdf() -> PDFSection: page_ref: PDFPage = get_page_pdf() with fitz.Document(page_ref.filepath) as doc: toc = [FitzBookmark(*x) for x in cast(Any, doc).get_toc()] page_headers = [x for x in toc if ==] rofi_res = rofi([f"{x.title}" for x in page_headers], prompt="Select header: ") if rofi_res is None or rofi_res.index is None: raise RuntimeError("No header was selected.") selected_header = page_headers[rofi_res.index] return PDFSection(filepath=page_ref.filepath, title=selected_header.title) def get_page_pdf() -> PDFPage: """Find current page of focused PDF reader window. Returns ------- `PDFPage` reference to the current page. """ try: res = ["xdotool", "getactivewindow"], capture_output=True, text=True ) window_id: WindowId = WindowId(int(res.stdout)) res = ["xdotool", "getactivewindow", "getwindowpid"], capture_output=True, text=True, ) pid: ProcessId = ProcessId(int(res.stdout)) except OSError as e: raise Exception("Please install `xdotool`.") from e except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise Exception( "Could not get current active window ID. Is a window focused right now?" ) try: res = ["xprop", "-id", str(window_id), "WM_CLASS"], capture_output=True, text=True ) # WM_CLASS(STRING) = "org.pwmt.zathura", "Zathura" wm_class: list[str] = [ i.strip('"\n') for i in res.stdout.split(" = ")[-1].split(", ") ] except OSError as e: raise Exception("Please install `xprop`.") from e except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise Exception("Could not get focused window class.") from e match wm_class[0]: case "Zathura": return get_page_zathura(pid) case "org.pwmt.zathura": return get_page_zathura(pid) case _: raise Exception( f"Can not retrieve pdf data from this type of window {wm_class}." ) def get_page_zathura(pid: ProcessId) -> PDFPage: """Given the PID of a Zathura instance, find which page of which file it's on. Parameters ---------- pid Process ID of the Zathura instance to retrieve the reference from. Returns ------- `PDFPage` that the Zathura instance is currently on. """ bus = pydbus.SessionBus() obj = bus.get(f"org.pwmt.zathura.PID-{pid}", "/org/pwmt/zathura") filename: str = obj.filename # zathura returns 0-indexed pages pagenumber: PageNumber = obj.pagenumber + 1 return PDFPage(filepath=Path(filename), page=pagenumber)