dogeystamp 5b8742f7c0
restructure things
preparing to add features
2023-07-22 14:13:46 -04:00

42 lines
1.2 KiB

from os import environ
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from datatypes import PDFPage, PDFSection, PDFReference, Reference
from typing import assert_never
from pathlib import Path
def format_pdf_link(ref: PDFReference) -> str:
path_str = environ.get("TYPST_ROOT", None)
if path_str is None:
raise KeyError("Please set TYPST_ROOT to format links with Typst.")
typst_root = Path(path_str)
relative: bool = ref.filepath.is_relative_to(typst_root)
format_path: str
if relative:
format_path = "/" + str(ref.filepath.relative_to(typst_root))
format_path = str(ref.filepath.absolute())
params = {}
match ref:
case PDFPage():
params["page"] =
case PDFSection():
params["section"] = ref.title
case _ as obj:
if relative:
return f'#lref("{format_path}?{urlencode(params)}", pdfref: true)[]'
return f'#link("pdfref://{format_path}?{urlencode(params)}")[]'
def ref(ref: Reference) -> str:
"""Formats a Reference."""
# for now no other types are implemented
# replace this with a match/case when that happens
return format_pdf_link(ref)