**Hi! I'm dogeystamp.** I'm a Canadian high school student with an interest in tech and libre software.
## what i do
### competitive programming
I participate in some programming contests like the University of Waterloo's [CCC.](https://cemc.uwaterloo.ca/contests/computing.html)
In 2021's contest, I got a score of 48/75 in the senior division. [Here's](https://github.com/dogeystamp/waterlooccc) a repo with my solutions.
### projects
In my free time I do programming projects, some of which have have full articles in my blog.
#### [minrss](/minrss)
This is a minimal RSS/Atom feed reader I made using C. It relies mostly on libcurl for multi-threaded downloads of RSS feeds, and libxml2 for XML parsing.
The main feature of this program is that it represents feeds as folders with
articles as files within them.
| |--article1
| `--article2
As such, external scripts - or even a plain shell - can be easily used to read feeds with minrss.
This is similar to suckless.org's programs
[ii](http://tools.suckless.org/ii/) and [sic](http://tools.suckless.org/sic/).