User API ======== The User API allows managing users and their permissions. Sachet implements the following endpoints for this API:: GET /users/ PATCH /users/ PUT /users/ .. _user_schema: User Schema ----------- In JSON, a User object has the following properties: .. code-block:: json { "username": "", "password": "", "permissions": ["PERMISSION1", "PERMISSION2"], "register_date": "2023-05-08T18:57:27.982479" } .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 25 25 25 50 * - Property - Type - Limits - Description * - ``username`` - String - - User's name. This also acts as an ID. * - ``password`` - String - Write-only - Password in plain text. * - ``permissions`` - List of String - - List of permissions (see :ref:`permissions_table`). * - ``register_date`` - DateTime - Read-only - Time the user registered at. Endpoints --------- GET ^^^ Requesting ``GET /users/`` returns a JSON object conforming to the :ref:`User schema`. This contains the information about the specified username. An example response: .. code-block:: json { "permissions": [ "CREATE", "DELETE", "LIST", "READ" ], "register_date": "2023-05-08T18:57:27.982479", "username": "user" } A user can only read information about themselves, unless they have the :ref:`administrator permission`. PATCH ^^^^^ Requesting ``PATCH /users/`` allows modifying some or all fields of a user. The request body is JSON conforming to the :ref:`User schema`. Properties may be left out: they won't be modified. For example, to modify a user's permissions: .. code-block:: json { "permissions": [ "CREATE" ] } Only :ref:`administrators` can request this method. PUT ^^^ Requesting ``PUT /users/`` completely replaces a user's information. The request body is JSON conforming to the :ref:`User schema`. No property may be left out. For example: .. code-block:: json { "permissions": [ "CREATE" ], "password": "123", "username": "user" } Only :ref:`administrators` can request this method. User List API ------------- There is also a User List API:: GET /users POST /users This API is only accessible to administrators (see :ref:`permissions_table`). GET ^^^ ``GET /users`` is a :ref:`paginated endpoint` that returns a list of users. POST ^^^^ ``POST /users/`` creates a new user. The request body must conform to the :ref:`User schema`.