dogeystamp dogeystamp
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/chess_inator 2024-11-05 20:24:28 -05:00
d1506e4d6c feat: quiescence search, lvv-mva
0591f29c66 feat: better endgame heuristics
Compare 2 commits »
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/homeserver-iac 2024-11-03 13:37:22 -05:00
20ce8eedeb navidrome: fix up things
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/chess_inator 2024-11-03 11:49:18 -05:00
c0e8766fee chore: README
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/chess_inator 2024-11-03 11:44:51 -05:00
1c4c158053 perf: borrow in the evalscore piece changes
4b245e0421 chore: silence warnings
b51dc87b2c fix: make promoting pawns more important
7d7a2531ad feat: tapered eval for endgame
da6b3f20f9 test: alpha-beta results are the same as without
Compare 10 commits »
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/chess_inator 2024-10-27 20:04:23 -04:00
8d5ea3de31 perf: alpha-beta pruning
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/chess_inator 2024-10-26 22:39:44 -04:00
39d5ebc2b3 fix: not escaping checkmates
7d0d81905e feat: basic basic search
5751215ffa feat: uci engine interface
3ebadf995f feat: move conversion to uci algebraic
420e32fe86 feat: basic basic eval
Compare 5 commits »
dogeystamp created branch main in dogeystamp/chess_inator 2024-10-25 22:30:54 -04:00
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/chess_inator 2024-10-25 22:30:54 -04:00
c2dcba81b8 chore: license
3dac0e4388 refactor: make square idx size type a variable
a36aa3b0c6 fix: compiler warnings
3ed7f315c8 refactor: movegen
e4b19b8bdd fix: unmake broken
Compare 10 commits »
dogeystamp created repository dogeystamp/chess_inator 2024-10-25 22:30:43 -04:00
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/dots 2024-10-19 12:43:00 -04:00
749b49bbac fish: auto startx on tty1
3901276992 fish: chezmoi edit -a alias
eafcedfaf5 nvim: revert autopairs plugin change
f604fe73fb missing part from 0ccc8380
a96bc9db1f nvim: theme gitgutter
Compare 8 commits »
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/geode-piano 2024-10-18 22:25:26 -04:00
ce0949ad4f revert some changes
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/geode-piano 2024-10-15 09:26:50 -04:00
10fd3bae41 feat: improve velocity curves
700bfcb4fd feat: "optimize" scan (increase i2c speed)
29cf1459d8 feat: debug probe support
Compare 3 commits »
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/dots 2024-10-01 17:36:20 -04:00
0ccc8380e7 dwm: screenshot entire screen instantly by default
5e966a1ecc miscellaneous changes
d0d4938f6e nvim: use system plugins
c770958ec6 central opacity setting
e5691f140d nvim: capital Y clipboard bind
Compare 9 commits »
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/dots 2024-09-26 22:09:11 -04:00
66d7d08d17 update about dot profiles
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/dots 2024-09-26 22:05:54 -04:00
a89d41adf9 update preview
80d5d8602e big coat of paint
2e386fcfe2 nvim: more typst snippets
bad85da7b6 nvim: remove treesitter textobjects, add incremental selection binds
Compare 4 commits »
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/monorepo 2024-09-20 22:45:34 -04:00
b486aaa640 [life] added
dogeystamp pushed to master at dogeystamp/typst-templates 2024-09-20 20:52:45 -04:00
2cf6223adf libs.typ: add ctheorems
0cd0fdc79e main.typ: minor adjustments
78776c2551 switch to nimbus sans
f45c24d0c3 main.typ: make footer not copyright
Compare 4 commits »
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/dots 2024-09-14 18:58:27 -04:00
05396378cf nvim: scope exact/fuzzy search options
62b281b68e nvim: scope supports grep
Compare 2 commits »
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/dots 2024-09-14 17:04:39 -04:00
ea7eb8c056 nvim: scope now supports vim.ui.input
35a9439ed4 nvim: scope supports tooltip
5e5b5c818d nvim: scope.lua buffer selection,
736499a0ad nvim: work on replacing telescope
390cb418ea nvim: get rid of Trouble
Compare 8 commits »
dogeystamp pushed to main at dogeystamp/dots 2024-09-07 17:48:26 -04:00
49f4a7398d qutebrowser: use alacritty for file selector instead of st